h:commandLink actionlistener is not invoked when used with f:ajax and ui:repeat When I click the link, I have to pass a parameter in the bean's "onload" method and refresh the panelgroup "assist". It works fine when I use the commandButton but not with commandLink.
<h:panelGroup id="assist" styleClass="tabbed-panel-vertical">
<ul id="assistlink" class="tabbed-panel-vertical-tabs">
<ui:repeat var="assistants"
styleClass="#{permissions.selectedAssistant==assistants.userId ? 'selected' : ''}">
render=":permissionsform:assist :permissionsform:permissionsContent"
<f:attribute name="assistantId"
value="#{assistants.userId}" />
`public void onload(ActionEvent event) {
Long userId = Long.valueOf(541);// user.getUserId();
Long assistantId = (Long) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("assistantId");
System.out.println("User " + assistantId);
approach doesn't work as you'd expect it would work, but this is a different problem. – Hithermost<f:attribute>
doesn't work the way as you intended). So your problem is caused by something else which is not shown in the code so far. – Hithermost