I am working on a Wagtail project consisting of a few semi-static pages (homepage, about, etc.) and a blog. In the homepage, I wanted to list the latest blog entries, which I could do adding the following code to the HomePage model:
def blog_posts(self):
# Get list of live blog pages that are descendants of this page
posts = BlogPost.objects.live().order_by('-date_published')[:4]
return posts
def get_context(self, request):
context = super(HomePage, self).get_context(request)
context['posts'] = self.blog_posts()
return context
However, I would also like to add the last 3 entries in the footer, which is a common element of all the pages in the site. I'm not sure of what is the best way to do this — surely I could add similar code to all the models, but maybe there's a way to extend the Page class as a whole or somehow add "global" context? What is the best approach to do this?