I want to test a hypothesis that "intercept = 0, beta = 1" so I should do wald test and used module 'statsmodel.formula.api'.
But I'm not sure which code is correct when doing wald test.
from statsmodels.datasets import longley
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
data = longley.load_pandas().data
hypothesis_0 = '(Intercept = 0, GNP = 0)'
hypothesis_1 = '(GNP = 0)'
hypothesis_2 = '(GNP = 1)'
hypothesis_3 = '(Intercept = 0, GNP = 1)'
results = smf.ols('TOTEMP ~ GNP', data).fit()
wald_0 = results.wald_test(hypothesis_0)
wald_1 = results.wald_test(hypothesis_1)
wald_2 = results.wald_test(hypothesis_2)
wald_3 = results.wald_test(hypothesis_3)
I thought hypothesis_3 is right at first.
But the result of hypothesis_1 is same with F-test of regression, which represent that the hypothesis 'intercept = 0 and beta = 0'.
So, I thought that the module,'wald_test' set 'intercept = 0' by default.
I'm not sure which one is correct.
Could you please give me an answer which one is right?