How to trim the video with start & end time in android programmatically?
Asked Answered



I want to trim the local video based on start and end time in android programmatically ,I tried below attached few links but haven't worked for me.Please let me know any working libraries or sample code to overcome this?

Refereed links:

  1. Android sdk cut/trim video file
  2. How to trim the video using FFMPEG library in android?

Thanks in advance!

Haught answered 24/5, 2018 at 4:37 Comment(0)

Use FFMPEG library to solve your problem. Thanks for writingminds to make ffmpeg simple for android 1. implementation 'com.writingminds:FFmpegAndroid:0.3.2'

  1. initialize ffmpeg

    private void setUpFFmpeg() {
    ffmpeg = FFmpeg.getInstance(context);
    try {
        ffmpeg.loadBinary(new LoadBinaryResponseHandler() {
            public void onStart() {
                Log.d("Event ", "onStart");
            public void onFailure() {
                Log.d("Event ", "onFailure");
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d("Event ", "onSuccess");
            public void onFinish() {
                Log.d("Event ", "onFinish");
    } catch (FFmpegNotSupportedException e) {
        // Handle if FFmpeg is not supported by device
  2. use FFMPEG command like @Mahesh Keshvala posted above. Good work @Mahesh

  3. then execFFmpegBinary(complexCommand); will be like this

    private void execFFmpegBinary(String[] command){
          try {
        ffmpeg.execute(commands, new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {
            public void onStart() {
                Log.d("Event ", "onStart");
            public void onProgress(String message) {
                Log.e("Event ", "onProgress - " + message);
            public void onFailure(String message) {
                Log.e("Event ", "onFailure - " + message);
            public void onSuccess(String message) {
                Log.e("Event ", "onSuccess - " + message);
            public void onFinish() {
                Log.e("Event ", "onFinish");
    } catch (FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException e) {
        // Handle if FFmpeg is already running

try command for cut video

String[] complexCommand = {"-ss", "" + startMs / 1000, "-y", "-i", inputFileAbsolutePath, "-t", "" + (endMs - startMs) / 1000, "-s", "320x240", "-r", "15", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-b:v", "2097152", "-b:a", "48000", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "22050", outputFileAbsolutePath};

to know more about ffmpeg android refer this link

Gainsborough answered 24/5, 2018 at 5:20 Comment(7)
Showing below error while executing execFFmpegBinary block. Error: E/FFmpeg: Exception while trying to run: [Ljava.lang.String;@dbe0367 Error running exec(). Command: [/data/user/0/com.psp.testvideotrim/files/ffmpeg, -ss, 0, -y, -i, /storage/emulated/0/test/Media/test Video/VID-20180522-WA0008.mp4, -t, 3, -vcodec, mpeg4, -b:v, 2097152, -b:a, 48000, -ac, 2, -ar, 22050, /storage/emulated/0/Movies/cut_video.mp4] Working Directory: null Environment: nullHaught
05-24 11:10:52.474 19740-19740/com.psp.testvideotrim E/Event: onFailure - 05-24 11:10:52.475 19740-19740/com.psp.testvideotrim E/Event: onFinishHaught
i update my answer please check that, also refer that link too. I use the same method in one of my projectGainsborough
this is not working on android can use this library
@Converter Link is broken i think library is not maintained anymore.Creepy
check that link now @RahulChaudharyConverter
This answer will not work for SDK level greater than 9. You can check my updated answer below #50501549Bondon

Here is the solution using FFMPEG library use below function to trim or cut the video, may this will work for you:

private void executeCutVideoCommand(int startMs, int endMs) {
    File moviesDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES

    String filePrefix = "cut_video";
    String fileExtn = ".mp4";
    String yourRealPath = getPath(VideoEffectActivity.this, selectedVideoUri);
    File dest = new File(moviesDir, filePrefix + fileExtn);
    int fileNo = 0;
    while (dest.exists()) {
        dest = new File(moviesDir, filePrefix + fileNo + fileExtn);

    Log.d(TAG, "startTrim: src: " + yourRealPath);
    Log.d(TAG, "startTrim: dest: " + dest.getAbsolutePath());
    Log.d(TAG, "startTrim: startMs: " + startMs);
    Log.d(TAG, "startTrim: endMs: " + endMs);
    filePath = dest.getAbsolutePath();
    //String[] complexCommand = {"-i", yourRealPath, "-ss", "" + startMs / 1000, "-t", "" + endMs / 1000, dest.getAbsolutePath()};
    String[] complexCommand = {"-ss", "" + startMs / 1000, "-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-t", "" + (endMs - startMs) / 1000, "-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-b:v", "2097152", "-b:a", "48000", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "22050", filePath};



 private void execFFmpegBinary(final String[] command) {
    try {
        ffmpeg.execute(command, new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {
            public void onFailure(String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "FAILED with output : " + s);

            public void onSuccess(String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "SUCCESS with output : " + s);
               //You have to create a class of Preview Activity
               //If you don't have please remove below Intent code
                    Intent intent = new Intent(VideoEffectActivity.this, PreviewActivity.class);
                    intent.putExtra(FILEPATH, filePath);

            public void onProgress(String s) {
                    progressDialog.setMessage("progress : " + s);
                Log.d(TAG, "progress : " + s);

            public void onStart() {
                Log.d(TAG, "Started command : ffmpeg " + command);

            public void onFinish() {
                Log.d(TAG, "Finished command : ffmpeg " + command);
    } catch (FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException e) {
        // do nothing for now

Put this dependency into gradle file:

    compile 'com.writingminds:FFmpegAndroid:0.3.2'
Opec answered 24/5, 2018 at 4:51 Comment(6)
"execFFmpegBinary(complexCommand);" Showing error even integrating the above library?Haught
Unable to create "execFFmpegBinary(complexCommand);" Below " Sam Raju " answer helped me to create that.Haught
Showing below error while executing execFFmpegBinary block. Error: E/FFmpeg: Exception while trying to run: [Ljava.lang.String;@a1d6f03 Error running exec(). Command: [/data/user/0/com.psp.testvideotrim/files/ffmpeg, -i, /storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp Business/Media/WhatsApp Business Video/VID-20180522-WA0000.mp4, -ss, 0, -t, 30, /storage/emulated/0/Movies/cut_video.mp4] Working Directory: null Environment: nullHaught
please check all the conditions you put like permission read,write and access of storage and all that may be because of that you get this error.Opec
I have given all permissions too...But Error still persists@mahes KeshavalaHaught
use this library

Updated solution ffmpeg library in Kotlin. This solution is tested with SDK Versions 21 to 30.

First, you need to add the dependency

implementation 'com.arthenica:mobile-ffmpeg-full:4.2.2.LTS'

Below, is the code snippet for trimming the video.

Note: You need to run the below code inside the background thread by using AsyncTask or Kotlin Coroutines

val outputFile = UtilsFile.createVideoFile(context)
        val command =
                "1",    //Start point in seconds
                "60",   //Ending point in seconds
        val rc = FFmpeg.execute(command)

        if (rc == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Command execution completed successfully.")
            return outputFile
        } else if (rc == RETURN_CODE_CANCEL) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Command execution cancelled by user.")
        } else {
                    "Command execution failed with rc=%d and the output below.",
Bondon answered 15/1, 2021 at 18:9 Comment(0)

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