This is new for me and I try to figure out how to retrieve the request body when an error occurred with axios using yield generator (redux-saga)
Here is the piece of code I'm using:
function requestLogin(user: ILoginUserPayload) {
const loginUrl = `${config.apiUrl}/auth/logIn`;
return, user);
export default function* watchAuthAction(): IterableIterator<any> {
while (true) {
const { payload }: { payload: ILoginUserPayload} = yield take(TYPES.LOGIN_REQUEST);
console.log(`Payload`, payload);
try {
const response = yield requestLogin(payload);
console.log(`Response`, response);
} catch (error) {
// According to my debug, error.request contains all the axios info
yield put({ type: TYPES.LOGIN_FAILURE, error: error.request.response.message });
I used VSCode to debug the error content and I found out it has the axios request information (I mean, I 'm 99% sure that axios throw an error and it comes here)
My body response looks like that:
{"message":"User doesn't exist","stack":"Error: User doesn't exist"}
So I try to get it with:
But it doesn't work, maybe I forget something about axios...
Any idea?
Edit: I'm actually reading this part: But I still can't reach my data :/