I am following the GraphQL Prisma Typescript example provided by Prisma and created a simple data model, generated the code for the Prisma client and resolvers, etc.
My data model includes the following nodes:
type User {
id: ID! @unique
displayName: String!
type SystemUserLogin {
id: ID! @unique
username: String! @unique
passwordEnvironmentVariable: String!
user: User!
I've seeded with a system user and user.
mutation {
systemUserLogin: createSystemUserLogin({
data: {
username: "SYSTEM",
passwordEnvironmentVariable: "SYSTEM_PASSWORD",
user: {
create: {
displayName: "System User"
I've created a sample mutation login
login: async (_parent, { username, password }, ctx) => {
let user
const systemUser = await ctx.db.systemUserLogin({ username })
const valid = systemUser && systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable && process.env[systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable] &&(process.env[systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable] === password)
if (valid) {
user = systemUser.user // this is always undefined!
if (!valid || !user) {
throw new Error('Invalid Credentials')
const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user.id }, process.env.APP_SECRET)
return {
user: ctx.db.user({ id: user.id }),
But no matter what I do, systemUser.user
is ALWAYS undefined!
This makes sense - how would the client wrapper know how "deep" to recurse into the graph without me telling it?
But how can I tell it that I want to include the User
Edit: I tried the suggestion below to use prisma-client
But none of my resolvers ever seem to get called...
export const SystemUserLogin: SystemUserLoginResolvers.Type<TypeMap> = {
id: parent => parent.id,
user: (parent, args, ctx: any) => {
return ctx.db.systemUserLogin({id: parent.id}).user()
environmentVariable: parent => parent.environmentVariable,
systemUsername: parent => parent.systemUsername,
createdAt: parent => parent.createdAt,
updatedAt: parent => parent.updatedAt
let identity: UserParent;
const systemUserLogins = await context.db.systemUserLogins({
where: {
systemUsername: user,
const systemUserLogin = (systemUserLogins) ? systemUserLogins[0] : null ;
if (systemUserLogin && systemUserLogin.environmentVariable && process.env[systemUserLogin.environmentVariable] && process.env[systemUserLogin.environmentVariable] === password) {
console.log('should login!')
identity = systemUserLogin.user; // still null