Summary: ZUUL doesnt pick the right destination url for the input path since it doesnt do strict matching of the input path.
Below is my zuul routes :
path: /v1/txn/**
url: http://localhost:8900/v1/cardhostauth
path: /v1/customer/card/product/**
url: http://localhost:8800/v1/customer/card/product
path: /v1/customer/**
url: http://localhost:8400/v1/composite
For input path:"/v1/customer/card/product/" , It is expected to choose -http://localhost:8800/v1/customer/card/product but it chooses http://localhost:8400/v1/composite. My expectation was that the path pattern match happens in the order specified and is stricter but seems it doesnt work that way.
Can you let me know how ZUUL works when you have multiple routes defined for similar input path ?
P.S - I can see this issue when i run via Docker in AWS but the issue doesn't come up when i run from eclipse. Has the order of zuul route depend on the spring zuul jar (spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul - 2.0.0.RELEASE vs 2.0.1.RELEASE)