I'll make a simplified example for this site, but basically I'm trying to write an Athena query (of data loaded by Glue crawler with intent to use in Quicksight) which will allow me to expand a struct inside of a select statement.
In my example, lets say I have a table my_table
which is similar to:
id string,
scores struct<prediction:double,score:int>
But since I do not know the exact structure at query time of the scores
column, I would like to expand it in the scope of a query.
I have tried many combinations of things, but only using the exact name of the nested field inside of the struct seems to yield results, i.e.
select results.id, results.scores.score, results.scores.prediction from my_table results
I would like it if something like select results.id, results.scores.* from my_table results
worked, but unfortunately it doesn't.