I am using latest version of angular (8). I am doing a conversion of my Http request from the original http to the new http client. I am calling a GET API where I am sending a nested params in the following way:
let data: any = {filters: {"4e9bc554-db54-4413-a718-b89ffdb91c2f": "465c1ab-2b89-4b51-8a7b-5d2ac862ee32"}, is_indexed: true}
return this.httpClient.get<Register[]>('/registers/', {headers: headers, params: data});
The above code, the nested params are not recognised. How do I properly pass as nested params using the HttpClient? Ps In the old Http, there was no issue using the above code. Thanks for the help in advance.
UPDATE Url would look similar to this:
let params = new HttpParams();
– Cuspis_indexed:true
JSON.stringify() `could help you though. – Cusp