When proving in Coq, it's nice to be able to prove one little piece at a time, and have Coq help keep track of the obligations.
Theorem ModusPonens: forall (A B : Prop), ((A -> B) /\ A) -> B.
intros A B [H1 H2].
apply H1.
At this point I can see the proof state to know what is required to finish the proof:
H2: B
goal: B
But when writing Gallina, do we have to solve the whole thing in one bang, or make lots of little helper functions? I'd love to be able to put use a question mark to ask Coq what it's looking for:
Definition ModusPonens' := fun (A B : Prop) (H : (A -> B) /\ A) =>
match H with
| conj H1 H2 => H1 {?} (* hole of type B *)
It really seems like Coq should be able to do this, because I can even put ltac in there and Coq will find what it needs:
Definition ModusPonens' := fun (A B : Prop) (H : (A -> B) /\ A) =>
match H with
| conj H1 H2 => H1 ltac:(assumption)
If Coq is smart enough to finish writing the definition for me, it's probably smart enough to tell me what I need to write in order to finish the function myself, at least in simple cases like this.
So how do I do this? Does Coq have this kind of feature?