I forgot to push my changes to a project I have been working on incrementally for months. This has resulted in an extremely large .git directory (~11 GB). The rest of the files in the repo combine for much less than that. I would like to push all the commits to github, if not at one time then incrementally. Thus, I am trying to push the commits one by one in order stay under the limits for each push.
My first commit's (~5.5 GB) push is failing and giving me the error fatal: protocol error: bad line length 819264.11 MiB/s
I find somewhat similar messages when googling, but they all refer to a particular character error. I cannot seem to understand what this error I am getting is.
I am using Git 2.22.0 and macOS 10.15.4; this was pushed over HTTPS although I tried ssh and it ran into other problems, so I switched back. I had also run into another problem right before this. The steps I took before this are in more detail there.
Terminal Output with SSH:
client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipeB | 1.39 MiB/s
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
Terminal Output with HTTPS:
Enumerating objects: 667, done.
Counting objects: 100% (667/667), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (661/661), done.
fatal: protocol error: bad line length 819264.11 MiB/s
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/USER/REPO.git'
git config http.postBuffer
fix? – Blumegit config --global http.postBuffer 500M git config --global http.maxRequestBuffer 100M git config --global core.compression 0
Specifically the last one worked for me – Lindon