I'm building a phone authentication ui (OTP) using firebase_auth
library with BLoC pattern (a bit of an overkill for this ui, but the whole project is in BLoC, so). I'm processing the authentication within the BLoC, as such:
Stream<PhoneAuthState> mapEventToState(PhoneAuthEvent event) async* {
else if(event is PhoneNumberSubmittedEvent) yield* _handlePhoneNumberSubmittedEvent(event);
Stream<PhoneAuthState> _handlePhoneNumberSubmittedEvent(PhoneNumberSubmittedEvent event) async*{
yield SendingCodeState();
await Firebase.initializeApp();
var firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
await firebaseAuth.verifyPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber: _buildPhoneNumber(),
timeout: Duration(seconds: 0),
verificationCompleted: (firebaseUser) {},
codeAutoRetrievalTimeout: (String verificationId) {},
// Relevant code
codeSent: (id, [forceResendingToken]) =>
emit(_codeSentState(id, forceResendingToken)),
verificationFailed: (error) =>
Because the results of my _codeSentState
and _verificationFailedState
functions cannot be yielded from within the handlePhoneNumberSubmittedEvent
method, I used emit
(which is actually working fine).
However, as I was looking through BLoC docs, I found that emit
is @protected
, and the docs stating:
[emit] should never be used outside of tests.
So I have three questions:
- Why shouldn't
be used outside of tests? - Is there an alternative to
? (other than yielding in response to events inmapEventToState
) - Is there a way to
the result of a function that is passed as a parameter to a method/constructor call? (in my case, is there a way toyield
the results of_codeSentState
that are called withinfirebaseAuth.verifyPhoneNumber.codeSent