I am creating a UI application with gtk-rs. In that application, I have to spawn a thread to continuously communicate with another process. Sometimes, I have to update the UI based on what happens in that thread. But, I'm not sure how to do this because I am not able to hold a reference to any part of the UI across threads.
Here is the code I tried:
use gtk;
fn main() {
let application =
gtk::Application::new(Some("com.github.gtk-rs.examples.basic"), Default::default()).unwrap()
application.connect_activate(|app| {
let ui_model = build_ui(app);
struct UiModel { main_buffer: gtk::TextBuffer }
fn build_ui(application: >k::Application) -> UiModel {
let glade_src = include_str!("test.glade");
let builder = gtk::Builder::new();
.expect("Couldn't add from string");
let window: gtk::ApplicationWindow = builder.get_object("window").unwrap();
let main_text_view: gtk::TextView = builder.get_object("main_text_view")
return UiModel {
main_buffer: main_text_view.get_buffer().unwrap(),
fn setup(ui: UiModel) {
let child_process = Command::new("sh")
.args(&["-c", "while true; do date; sleep 2; done"])
let incoming = child_process.stdout.unwrap();
std::thread::spawn(move || { // <- This is the part to pay
&BufReader::new(incoming).lines().for_each(|line| { // attention to.
ui.main_buffer.set_text(&line.unwrap()); // I am trying to update the
}); // UI text from another thread.
But, I get the error:
| std::thread::spawn(move || {
| _____^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_-
| | |
| | `*mut *mut gtk_sys::_GtkTextBufferPrivate` cannot be sent between threads safely
This makes sense. I can understand that the Gtk widgets aren't thread safe. But then how do I update them? Is there a way to send signals to the UI thread safely? or is there a way to run the .lines().for_each(
loop in the same thread in a way that does not block the UI?
Whatever solution I go with will have to be very high performance. I will be sending much more data than in the example and I want a very low latency screen refresh.
Thanks for your help!