Is it possible to call an extension function from another package without importing it?
Given an extension function:
package ext
fun Int.plusOne() = this + 1
Is there any way to call this function without importing the function first?
I can call non-extension functions without an import (ignore that the function does not need to be imported, just note that the syntax is valid):
val el: List<Int> = kotlin.emptyList()
I can instantiate classes without an import:
val str = java.lang.String("yo.")
But I have not yet found the equivalent for extensions (I know some examples are silly):
val i = 42
// All those are not valid syntax...
val pO = ext.plusOne
Bonus: Same question, but for extension properties.
Edit: To add to the list of invalid examples, even at places where the extension receiver is implicit, FQDNs are not allowed:
// Good:
import ext.plusOne
val four = with(3) { plusOne() }
// Unresolved reference:
val four = with(3) { ext.plusOne() }