When your smartGWT datasource makes a call to this URL:
(If you data source is making a call to a Java App go to the bottom of this answer)
The request your datasource will make will include a GET parameter called callback which looks like this:
The script, contactsData.js, will need to capture this GET parameter.
contactsData.js will need to include a library to retrieve parameters from the URL:
javascript retrieve parameters function:
function getParameter ( queryString, parameterName ) {
// Add "=" to the parameter name (i.e. parameterName=value)
var parameterName = parameterName + "=";
if ( queryString.length > 0 ) {
// Find the beginning of the string
begin = queryString.indexOf ( parameterName );
// If the parameter name is not found, skip it, otherwise return the value
if ( begin != -1 ) {
// Add the length (integer) to the beginning
begin += parameterName.length;
// Multiple parameters are separated by the "&" sign
end = queryString.indexOf ( "&" , begin );
if ( end == -1 ) {
end = queryString.length
jQuery retrieve parameters function
After you get the value of the callback parameter you will write the function name with the JSON as a parameter in the body of the response like so:
isc.Comm._scriptIncludeReply_0({"item": [ {"id": "1","name": "Monkey"},
{"id": "2","name": "Tree"},
{"id": "3","name": "Banana"} ] })
So the javascript code will look something like this:
Response.Write(getParameter(URLrequestFromDatasourceString,"callback") + " ( " + JSON + " )" );
If your smartGWT datasource makes a call to a Java app URL:
Your Java controller will do the same thing but it is much easier
String callbackString = request.getParameter("callback");
response.getWriter().write( callbackString + " ( " + JSONstring + " ) " );
Also, here is a link to a blog post on the issue