I don't know of any DBIC pretty print modules but it is easy to implement from any of the myriad of text, html or other types of tabular output modules on CPAN.
Below is my quick working example using Text::Table
use 5.012;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils 'zip';
use Text::Table;
# my database with Album schema from DBIx::Class::Manual::Intro
use MySchema;
my $db = MySchema->connect( "DBI:SQLite:myschema_db" );
my $album = $db->resultset( 'Album' );
# get column names for the Album table
my @cols = $album->result_source->columns;
# create header with these column names
my $table = Text::Table->new( header( @cols ) );
# add each Album row to table output
while (my $cd = $album->next) {
$table->add( map { $cd->get_column( $_ ) } @cols );
print $table; # => tabular text output
# adds | separator between header labels
sub header {
my @sep = (\' | ') x @_;
zip @_, @sep;
This outputs the following with my test data:
albumid | artist | title | rank |
1 | Lou Reed | Transformer | |
2 | Lou Reed | Berlin | |
3 | David Bowie | Ziggy Stardust | |
4 | Japan | Tin Drum | |