Followup to this since the original link listed by @frayser doesn't work (but is available in the Wayback Machine; for the curious:$QsmkCsLvDM==/asdataQuQhZ0XhCuWs).
The code is now on GitHub: which I have started off with the following that works for me (Debian 11.6, SBCL 2.1.1.debian):
# Using quicklisp; there are tutorials for quicklisp out there, and if
# you use another package manager then adapt the following to that.
cd ~/.quicklisp/local-projects/
git clone --recursive
Then fire up your Lisp REPL and:
(ql:quickload "cl-pdf-parser")
(in-package pdf)
(read-pdf-file "/path/to/my-file.pdf")
And so far it's parsed the PDF I'm interested in right now; might followup some more later, but hopefully that's enough to get people started, as the source is available.