I've got apache as a back-end server, which runs php scripts and nginx as a reverse-proxy server which deals with static content. A php-script, which gives me ID of some process and then performs this process (pretty long). I need to pass to browser only the ID of that proccess.
// ...
echo json_encode($arResult); // only this data should be passed to browser
$contentLength = ob_get_length();
header('Connection: close');
header('Content-Length: ' . $contentLength);
// then performed a long process
(I check the status of the proccess with another ajax-script)
This works fine under apache alone. But I have problems when apache is behind nginx. In this case I get response only when the proccess is completly finished.
nginx settings:
server {
proxy_set_header Connection close;
proxy_pass_header Content-Length;
But I still get Connection keep-alive in FireBug.
How can I get nginx to immediately give a response from apache?
Hope the question is clear.
directives I'll get working proxy_buffering for rest content and working solution for my script. You should post this as an answer. – Cytochemistry