A hack I've used successfully in a similar situation:
- Create a separate, borderless, transparent form (transparency works best at the Form level)
- Host button controls on that form
- Launch the control form when your video form launches
- Wire event handling such that the floating form always moves, resizes etc. whenever the main form changes
- Calculate position of the floating for based on parent form's specs
- Always push the floating form to the top, above the parent form
Told you it was a hack. But if you get all the events and calculations wired up it should work fine.
P.S. I also recall having to do a poll timer with a function that made sure every 250 millis or so that the Z-order of the two forms was what you wanted. (Switching apps and windows changed the z-order unexpectedly and w/o events, thus the polling solution.)
P.S. II It is very easy to prototype the feasibility of this solution. Just create a separate app with the above-mentioned specs and move it over your video. (You will need to retain the Form border to be able to move/resize the window easily.)