I have an array of items coming back from the service. I'm trying to define a computed observable for every Item instance, so my instinct tells me to put it on the prototype.
One case for the computed observable: the system calculates points, but the user can choose to override the calculated value. I need to keep the calculated value available in case the user removes the override. I also need to coalesce user-assigned and calculated points, and add up the totals.
I'm using mapping to do the following:
var itemsViewModel;
var items = [
{ 'PointsCalculated' : 5.1 },
{ 'PointsCalculated' : 2.37, 'PointsFromUser' : 3 }
var mapping = {
'Items' : {
create : function(options) {
return new Item(options.data);
var Item = function(data) {
var item = this;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mapping, item);
Item.prototype.Points = function () {
var item = this;
return ko.computed(function () {
// PointsFromUser may be 0, so only ignore it if the value is undefined/null
return (item.PointsFromUser != null) ? item.PointsFromUser : item.PointsCalculated;
ko.mapping.fromJS(items, mapping, itemsViewModel);
The way it works now, I have to call the anonymous function to return the computed observable. That appears to create a new instance of the computed observable for each binding, which defeats most of the point of putting it on the prototype. And it's a little annoying having to decipher how many parentheses to use each time I access an observable.
It's also somewhat fragile. If I attempt to access Points() in code, I can't do
var points = 0;
var p = item.Points;
if (p && typeof p === 'function') {
points += p();
because that changes to context of Points() to DOMWindow, instead of item.
If I put the computed in create() in the mapping, I could capture the context, but then there's a copy of the method on each object instance.
I've found Michael Best's Google Groups post (http://groups.google.com/group/knockoutjs/browse_thread/thread/8de9013fb7635b13). The prototype returns a new computed observable on "activate". I haven't figured out what calls "activate" (maybe Objs?), but I'm guessing it still happens once per object, and I haven't a clue what scope 'this' will get.
At this point, I believe I'm past what's available in published docs, but I'm still working up to deciphering what's going on from the source.