I have a ZedGraphControl with a few curves in it and I want to add vertical lines at some fixed x-positions. The lines should of course only be inside the actual graph area.
I tried following
LineObj line = new LineObj(Color.Black, xPos, myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min, xPos, myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max);
line.Line.Style = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
line.Line.Width = 1f;
and this works fine until the user zooms the graph, the vertical lines will then stretch out of the actual graph area (see pic link below, also notice that it is not dashed inside the graph, odd).
Is there a way to solve this (if only there was a a way to get myPane.Xaxis.Scale.Min and Max of the current zoom and then update the graph in the ZoomEvent?) or are there any better classes/methods to use other than LineObj for this purpose?