I am getting following error while loading Japanese data using SQL*Loader. My Database is UTF8 (NLS parameters) and my OS supports UTF8.
Record 5: Rejected - Error on table ACTIVITY_FACT, column METADATA.
ORA-12899: value too large for column METADATA (actual: 2624, maximum: 3500)
My Control file:
load data
characterset UTF8
infile '../tab_files/activity_fact.csv' "STR ';'"
into tableactivity_fact
fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '~'
(metadata CHAR(3500))
My table
create table actvuty_facr{
metadata varchar2(3500 char)
Why SQL Loader is throwing the wrong exception, (actual: 2624, maximum: 3500)
. 2624 is less than 3500.
is byte semantic. Try upping it to 14,000. – Excruciation