You can use an Oozie shell action
for this. Basically you need to create a shell action & provide the commands that you posted in your question as the commands to be executed within the action
Sample Oozie action:
<action name="SqoopAction">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<delete path="[PATH]"/>
<mkdir path="[PATH]"/>
<job-xml>[SHELL SETTINGS FILE]</job-xml>
In your case, you would replace [SHELL-COMMAND]
with whatever Sqoop command you want to run, such as:
<exec>sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/hduser --table foo1 -m 1 --export-dir /user/cloudera/bar1</exec>
Also, you could put all your sqoop commands in a shell script, and execute that script instead. This is better if you have a lot of commands to be executed.