Sometimes in situations like this I miss my youth, when Access was my poison of choice, and I could give each radio button in a group its own value.
My hack in C# is to use the tag to set the value, and when I make a selection from the group, I read the value of the tag of the selected radiobutton. In this example, directionGroup is the group in which I have four five radio buttons with "None" and "NE", "SE", "NW" and "SW" as the tags on the other four radiobuttons.
I proactively used a button to capture the value of the checked button, because because assigning one event handler to all of the buttons' CHeckCHanged event causes EACH button to fire, because changing one changes them all. So the value of sender is always the first RadioButton in the group. Instead, I use this method when I need to find out which one is selected, with the values I want to retrieve in the Tag property of each RadioButton.
private void ShowSelectedRadioButton()
List<RadioButton> buttons = new List<RadioButton>();
string selectedTag = "No selection";
foreach (Control c in directionGroup.Controls)
if (c.GetType() == typeof(RadioButton))
var selectedRb = (from rb in buttons where rb.Checked == true select rb).FirstOrDefault();
if (selectedRb!=null)
selectedTag = selectedRb.Tag.ToString();
FormattableString result = $"Selected Radio button tag ={selectedTag}";
FYI, I have tested and used this in my work.