If it helps, I've created an elegant SQLite library written completely in Swift called SwiftData.
Some of its feature are:
- Bind objects conveniently to a string of SQL
- Support for transactions and savepoints
- Inline error handling
- Completely thread safe by default
It provides an easy way to execute 'changes' (e.g. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.):
if let err = SD.executeChange("INSERT INTO Cities (Name, Population, IsWarm, FoundedIn) VALUES ('Toronto', 2615060, 0, '1793-08-27')") {
//there was an error during the insert, handle it here
} else {
//no error, the row was inserted successfully
and 'queries' (e.g. SELECT):
let (resultSet, err) = SD.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Cities")
if err != nil {
//there was an error during the query, handle it here
} else {
for row in resultSet {
if let name = row["Name"].asString() {
println("The City name is: \(name)")
if let population = row["Population"].asInt() {
println("The population is: \(population)")
if let isWarm = row["IsWarm"].asBool() {
if isWarm {
println("The city is warm")
} else {
println("The city is cold")
if let foundedIn = row["FoundedIn"].asDate() {
println("The city was founded in: \(foundedIn)")
Along with many more features!
You can check it out here