I am new to StackOverflow. Recently, I began studying assembly and am fairly new to assembly, completely new to shellcode. I am using RadAsm to compile using MASM assembler and I tried studying shellcode from this website Shellcoding for Linux and Windows
I am using RadAsm on Windows 64-bit. The code I used is almost the same, except that I use the absolute name of the function rather than the address of the function in the DLL. The shellcode is supposed to use the sleep function with the parameter 5000
This is the code that I am using in MASM.
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
xor eax, eax ; zero out eax
mov ebx, Sleep ; function sleep goes in ebx
mov ax, 5000 ; parameter goes in ax
push eax ; parameter on stack
call ebx ; call Sleep
end _start
This assembles with no errors in MASM.
The shellcode generated has null values and is slightly different from the website. It is as follows.
I used objdump -d nameofexecutable.exe
to get the disassembly.
Disassembly of section .text
00401000 <.text>:
401000: 33 c0 xor %eax,%eax
401002: bb 0e 10 40 00 mov $0x40100e,%
401007: 66 b8 88 13 mov $0x1388,%ax
40100b: 50 push %eax
40100c: ff d3 call *%ebx
40100e: ff 25 00 20 40 00 jmp *0x402000
But in the website, there are no 00
hex codes.
Disassembly of section .text:
08048080 <_start>:
8048080: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
8048082: bb ea 1b e6 77 mov $0x77e61bea,%ebx
8048087: 66 b8 88 13 mov $0x1388,%ax
804808b: 50 push %eax
804808c: ff d3 call *%ebx
Could it be because I am using x64 to compile or because I am calling the function indirectly?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.