Lots of good answers but this worked for me.
- store dictionary
- get dictionary
- nested hash instead of mapping the dict as key to field and value to value like other answers above. (see example 1)
- get all field/values and go from there as normally you would in a project where you want to dump a dict to a redis hash where the dict is a nested hash. (see example 2)
note: these commands were done in the python repl
- if you want
{'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}
r = redis.Redis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0, decode_responses=True)
pdict = {'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}
r.hmset("queues_test", pdict)
Also refer to other answers, particularly Saji Xavier's since its simple and works.
If you want a nested hash like
{'queue1': '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}'
# to set
import json
r = redis.Redis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0, decode_responses=True)
pdict = {'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}
pdict_string = json.dumps(pdict)
r.hset("queues_data", "queue1", pdict_string)
# to get a single field value
r.hget("queues_data", "queue1")
# '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}'
# to get all fields
data = r.hgetall("queues_data")
# {'queue1': '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}'
queue1 = data['queue1']
# '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}'
result = json.loads(queue1)
# {'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}
# 'Hello'
Then if you just need the keys/values
# ['queue1', 'queue2']
# ['{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}', '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}']
Then if you want get the dict back for all values in one line use
lvalues = list(data.values())
# ['{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}', '{"field1": "Hello", "field2": "World"}']
[json.loads(x) for x in lvalues]
# [{'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}, {'field1': 'Hello', 'field2': 'World'}]