I am new to grunt (literally installed it today and using it) and its great, but i cannot work out something.
I have an angularJs project and i would like to concat all my javascript files into 3 files overall.
So i would have
"base" - all the vendor javascript files for plugins etc
"app" - all the controllers etc used by all users
"admin" - all the controllers etc used but only ever accessed by administrators
Now i have install grunt and setup my task for concat, but how can i have multiple dest and src attributes?
Example of grunt file
// Metadata
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
options: {
stripBanners: true
dist: {
src: ['Scripts/jquery-*.js', '!Scripts/jquery-*.min.*', '!Scripts/jquery-*.intellisense.*', 'Scripts/bootstrap.js', 'Scripts/respond.js', 'js/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/app.js'
distCss: {
src: ['Content/bootstrap.css', 'Content/site.css'],
dest: 'dist/app.css'
Once i have figured this out, can i then have multiple ugilify attributes to ugilify each js file created?