I am loading a third-party .dae Collada file as a scene into a SceneKit project.
The .dae file has many different animations in it, set at different times/frames. I am trying to figure out how I can split these out and reference each individual animation by reference name. There are no intelligible reference names in the dae file - the animations are all set as one single animation.
I am able to parse out the animations into a CAAnimation object, and verify that I have successfully done so with the following code:
SCNScene *scene = [SCNScene sceneNamed:@"art.scnassets/man.dae"];
SCNNode *man = [scene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"Bip01" recursively:YES];
CAAnimation *animation = [man animationForKey:@"test_Collada_DAE-1"];
[man removeAllAnimations];
[man addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animation"];
Is there any way to set a start and end frame or time to my CAAnimation object? What is the best way to parse out the various animations? I'm hoping that I do not have to manually split the dae file into many and load each one individually.