I am trying to create a table which has a complex data type. And the data types are listed below.
array< map < String,String> >
I am trying to create a data structure of 3 type . Is it ever possible to create in Hive? My table DDL looks like below.
create table complexTest(names array<String>,infoMap map<String,String>, deatils array<map<String,String>>)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '/'
collection items terminated by '|'
map keys terminated by '='
lines terminated by '\n';
And my sample data looks like below.
Whever i am querying the data from the table i am getting the below values
["Abhieet"," Test"," Complex"] {"Name":"abhi","age":"31","Sex":"male"} [{"Name":null,"Test,age":null,"31,Sex":null,"male":null},{"Name":null,"Complex,age":null,"30,Sex":null,"female":null}]
Which is not i am expecting. Could you please help me to find out what should be the DDL if it ever possible for data type array< map < String,String>>