I thought there would be some straight forward solution to this.
- Uniquely identify device across app install/uninstall sessions.
Use some kind of Android's device-identifier-API each time when needed (read it every time from Android's API). According to Identififying-app-installations blog post this is not recommended and not reliable solution.
Generate UUID once (on first app start) and persist it somewhere somehow that it would be preserved across multiple app installs/uninstalls. This "somewhere somehow" part is the mystery. Solutions like storing onto the SD card or Cloud are not an option. iOS has keychain that can be used for this kind of stuff but I didn't find Android's equivalent of it.
What are my other options here? I prefer going the (2) route because of my server implementation (server is generating UUID for the first time if not present). But if it is not an option, I can fallback to (1) and modify the server.