Child Component:
export default class Button extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
<div className="form-group">
// Need to add dynamic html attr here e.x: data-id
className={`btn btn-default ${componentClass ? componentClass : null }`}
Parent Component :
import Button from './Button';
Class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<div className="s">
<Button data-id="exampleData" /> // Need to add data-id attr to child button
Button Component, have it's own default attributes like mentioned above : id,className,type,onClick
Parent Component, will call Button component and add some additional attributes like data-id,onChange.
note : after searched few ideas, I know that i can use spread operators like below :
Parent Component :
let dynamicAttributes = {"data-id":"someString", "data-attr":"someString", "data-url":"someString"};
return (
<div className="s">
<Button dataSrc={ btnSrc } {...dynamicAttributes} />
I don't know how to call the dynamicAttributes in Button component as a html attrib
Expecting a good solution to this. Thanks in advance.
Used Destructing and Babel Showing error(unexpected token) like below image.
note: Already installed preset-env and preset-react.