Let's say, I have an Event model, which has more participants of various models (Player, Coach, Admin) through polymorphic relation and a pivot table (EventParticipant), which also contains a boolean column participate
. I want to get participants through $event->participants which retrieves a collection of players, coaches, and admins through a polymorphic relation.
I have something similar created with standard non-polymorphic relation in trainings, like this:
class Training extends Model
* Training has more players.
public function players() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Player', 'training_player')
class TrainingPlayer extends Pivot
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'participate' => 'boolean'
How could this be modified in the case of events, where participants() can be either Player, Coach, or Admin model? (Maybe something with MorphPivot class but I can't imagine how.)
(Instead of player_id
(in TrainingPlayer class) which refers to id
of the Player model, there are two columns role
and rollable_id
(in EventParticipant class) which refers to id
of the Player, Coach, or Admin model, respectively)
class Event extends Model
* Event has more participants (players, coaches, or admins).
public function participants() {
class EventParticipant extends MorphPivot
Any help would be appreciate. :) Thx
class but I don't know how exactly implement that in my situation because the documentation also is very insufficient here. – DiscommodityMorphedByMany
relationship per model. – Hyetal$event->participants()->with('user_account')->get()
, so a workaround is needed... – Discommodity