I am trying to zip a list of files before sending out through the http request. But I got stuck here.
export default function zipTargetFiles(files) {
if (files.length <= 1) {
return files;
} else {
const zip = require('jszip')();
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
zip.file(files[i].name, files[i]);
return zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"});
Basically, the function takes in a list of files and tries to zip them into one single .zip file. But when i send it out as formed data, it gave the error that the submitted data was not a file.
I checked the payload in the header and the target field is as [object Promise]
. How do I to truly return a .zip file?
Now I am able to catch the zip file in Redux-saga but it doesn't give an extension when I saved it in my database, instead it only give the name as 'blob'.
const file = yield call(zipTargetFiles, files);
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("coversheet", file);
const reponse = yield call(apiRequest, formData);