I am trying to perform a hyper parameter optimization task for a LSTM (pure Tensorflow) with Tune. I followed their example on the hyperopt algorithm. In the example they have used the below line inside the 'config' section.
"num_samples": 10 if args.smoke_test else 1000,
The documenatation does not explain what this is. I am uable to determine if this is a useful piece of code or how am I supposed to alter this for my scenario. So it will be great if I can know the meaning of this line of code.
The example hyperopt code can be found through this link
variable to 10 or 1000 depending on some other given variable. From the names I would guess it samples some given data at 10 or 1000 points to create whatever it does ... you would need to look through the documentation to see for yourself."num_samples"
is provided as kwargs param. Maybesomewhere around here: ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/… – Higginbotham