Tech: I'm using Angular 7, Firestore, GeoFireX.
Outcome I want: I want to add .where queries if that query is required by the users. For example below I have four .wheres. I might only need two sometimes and therefore will only want to add two using maybe an if statement if user search by sector and brand (see method: basicQueryBuilder)
The code below works, but is not dynamic.
Additionally, can a this.geo.collection from GeoFireX have a .limit(20) just like a normal collection can?
Current Attempt:
public getFirestoreJobs(queryType: string, limit: number, pageSize: number): Observable<any> {
limit = limit + pageSize;
if (queryType === 'geo') {
const collection = this.geoQueryBuilder();
const center = this.geo.point(51.5074, 0.1278);
const radius = 20;
return collection.within(center, radius, 'point');
} else {
const collection = this.basicQueryBuilder();
return collection.valueChanges();
public geoQueryBuilder(): any {
return this.geo.collection('jobs', ref => ref
.where('sector', '==', 'teacher')
.where('brand', '==', 'all')
.where('payType', '==', 'salary')
.where('tags', 'array-contains', 'salary'));
public basicQueryBuilder(): any {
return this.angularFirestore.collection('jobs', ref => ref
.where('sector', '==', 'teacher')
.where('brand', '==', 'all')
.where('payType', '==', 'salary')
.where('tags', 'array-contains', 'salary').limit(20));
Second attempt:
let query = this.angularFirestore.collection('jobs');
query = query.where('sector', '==', 'teacher');
query = query.where('brand', '==', 'all');
return query.valueChanges();
Error I get:
error TS2322: Type 'Query' is not assignable to type 'CollectionReference'.
, not after it. I don't know enough about the angular wrapper for Firestore to try this myself, so I'll remove the dup. – Johnsoniangeofirestore
which behaves more like regular Firestore (so you can assign your query/collection and dynamically chain and reassign your query). It also supports thelimit
method, however there are some performance considerations. Also it doesn't return Observables, like the plain Firestore library, but you can use RxJS and create your own Observables. – Mollie