I have custom data structures like this :
vector<myVertex *> my_vertices;
vector<myEdge *> my_edges;
My class myEdge has source() and target() methods, returning myVertex*, so it should be quite ready as is, right?
What external adaptation do I need to do to use a BGL graph with my containers? I am aware of the adaptor examples in the doc, yet some help would be much appreciated!
I am interested is the sheer adjacency_list basic-graph type, not sure about the graph traversal concepts I need yet.
What I understood so far about the adjacency_list parameters :
adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, VertexListS, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS>
are selectors for the containers used to represent the (1) edge-list for each of the vertices, and (2) the vertex list. These containers hold as elementsvertex_descriptor
respectively. My container type is the simple std::vector, so I guess I do not need to create a new container type as in example/container_gen.cpp. I must need to simply precise, probably with graph_traits, that the type of my container elements is pointer-to-object.VertexProperty
are intended to be used as internal bulk storage for additional information, for example color tags, edge weights... and offer since a few years the bundled-property feature.
I would like the vertex and edge descriptors to not default to integers, but to be pointers to my objects. BGL documentation explicitly states that this is feasible in the 2002-version of the book, 12.1.2 :
An object-oriented graph implementation might use pointers to heap allocated vertex objects. With the graph traits class, these differences are hidden by the vertex descriptor associated type.
Although it seems to have disapeared from the current 1.70 online doc.
I would ideally like to initialize like this :
MyGraph g(const& my_edges,const& my_vertices,
undirected_tag, some_color, someweights, allow_parallel_edges_tag);
P.S. I am not interested in stuffing object pointers in the property_map. I am willing to not use 'default vecS', a std::vector where the descriptor is an integer. I am willing to use a 'custom vecS' as a std::vector of object pointers ; for both OutEdgeList and VertexList.
Edit : this is the same exact question as the "1." of this one. Except that it never got answered... and the proposed solution was for "2.", with property_map and expensive double mapping :). It looks, after having digged hundreds of SO topics for hours, that most people recommend using property_maps rather than working with custom containers. People tend to use property_maps to store the actual nodes and edges - their object pointers, and let the vertex&edge_descriptors hold sheer default integer indexes. Yet, from what I read here, there is "below" vertex_descriptor a real-index layer internal to boost.
As context : I plan to use dijkstra/johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths (with predecessor map and a visitor?), and further optimal-dreyfus-wagner for steiner trees with http://paal.mimuw.edu.pl/, a library on top of the bgl. To make a sql join-solver for the dbms-erd tool pgmodeler https://github.com/pgmodeler/pgmodeler/pull/1232.
20/05/19 : Replying to sehe's answer
Awesome piece of information, that glues all pieces together and made me catch up on some core points such as graph concepts. I came asking how to use adjacency list with custom data structures, and you went to explain how to define an entirely custom graph.
I am about to study tradeoffs between approaches :
- keep my data structures as is, and your solution of a custom graph. I will be spending quite to no time initializing, but probably a lot more time finding out-edges. Low space complexity, but high time complexity.
- Same approach, but refactor my library, add dedicated storage, with a vector of incident edges per vertex (as a class attribute of myVertex?). Constant-time out-edge lookup rather than O(log(n)) with (1) std::equal_range ? Probably the best option.
- Use an adjacency_list but and have the bgl time-complexity
- Instantiate a default adjacency list, setup dual-way mapping with my library containers / use bundled/internal properties. High space complexity ; low time complexity but for the bgl algos only, initialization will be long.
- Do you care to also elaborate if having a proper OutEdgeList and VertexList makes using the adjacency-list class with custom containers an option ? Keeping references to those lasts ? I suspect at this point that the implementation of adjacency_list might not be that flexible.
). – Army