I am trying to create a real life system where an action needs to be performed by the subscriber on real-time data provided by the publisher. Sometimes the PUB and SUB get out of sync(by up to 10 seconds) because they are performing some operations and I always need the latest data from the publisher other wise the actions performed by the subscriber will be way off.
I am trying to use a SUB/PUB approach and I am trying set a HWM limit but it does not seems to work. I have tried the disconnect approach but it adds an additional one second lag into the system and 90% of the time my system is working in real time so by using disconnect the whole system collapses.
Subscriber(I am trying to model the actual system through time.sleep()):
import time
import zmq
import random
context = zmq.Context()
consumer_receiver = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
while 1:
work = consumer_receiver.recv_pyobj()
# consumer_receiver.disconnect()
print(work," :",d)
import time
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
for x in range(1000):
# zmq_socket.send_string("", zmq.SNDMORE)
keeps the last message only, in other words, you will destroy the queue. So there is another option which sets a limit on the queue usingzmq.RCVBUF
on subscriber side andzmq.SNDBUF
option on publisher side. Check this post, hope help you up. – Panhellenism