I create multiple popover menus with v-menu; one for each row in my table. I need a way for the menu to close when I click submit. I cannot use v-model="menu" and make menu false or true to hide or show the menu because then every menu will open when I set it to true! Does anyone know another way to make the menu close, without using v-model? I have found a way to open it using the activator slot. Perhaps there is an activator slot that will close the component, as well?
<template v-slot:item.hours="{ item }">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
{{ parseFloat(item.hours).toFixed(1) }}
<v-form @submit.prevent="handleSubmitMenu(item)">
<v-card class="px-5">
label="Edit Hours"
<SubmitButton />
handleSubmitMenu(timeEntry) {
const hours = this.hours
this.menu = false