As a reference, I have been working on a similar capability that doesn't require defensive treatment like ~'a
for each symbol you wish to remain unchanged. It isn't published yet, but here is the technique:
(defn unquote-form?
(and (list? arg)
(= (quote unquote) (first arg))))
(defn unquote-splicing-form?
(and (list? arg)
(= (quote unquote-splicing) (first arg))))
(defn quote-template-impl
(fn [item]
(unquote-form? item) (eval (xsecond item))
(sequential? item) (let [unquoted-vec (apply glue
(forv [it item]
(if (unquote-splicing-form? it)
(eval (xsecond it))
final-result (if (list? item)
(t/->list unquoted-vec)
:else item))
(defmacro quote-template
(quote-template-impl form))
and unit tests to show it in action:
(def vec234 [2 3 4])
(is (td/unquote-form? (quote (unquote (+ 2 3)))))
(is (td/unquote-splicing-form? (quote (unquote-splicing (+ 2 3)))))
(is= (td/quote-template {:a 1 :b (unquote (+ 2 3))})
{:a 1, :b 5})
(is= (td/quote-template {:a 1 :b (unquote (vec (range 3)))})
{:a 1, :b [0 1 2]})
(is= (td/quote-template {:a 1 :b (unquote vec234)})
{:a 1, :b [2 3 4]})
(let [result (td/quote-template (list 1 2 (unquote (inc 2)) 4 5))]
(is (list? result))
(is= result (quote (1 2 3 4 5))))
(is= (td/quote-template [1 (unquote-splicing vec234) 5]) ; unqualified name OK here
[1 2 3 4 5])
(is= (td/quote-template [1 (unquote-splicing (t/thru 2 4)) 5])
[1 2 3 4 5])
(is= (td/quote-template [1 (unquote (t/thru 2 4)) 5])
[1 [2 3 4] 5])
So, instead of Clojure's syntax-quote (i.e. backquote), you can use quote-template
. Then, use either unquote
or unquote-splicing
to insert values into the quoted template without having the namespace prepended to other symbols.