I'm building server less applications using AWS SAM
SAM + VSCode + Docker desktop
Everything was working fine, but suddenly I started getting timeout error when I run debug.
Note: sam local invoke (without debug) works fine.
Problem occurs when i run debug mode (i.e. F5), it stops as shown below. Could this be problem with networking? python version? Debug was working before.
Note also: I have host windows 10 machine, I'm running a Windows 10 VM (HyperV) within the host, in which I have this is dev environment setup.
Below is log:
2021-05-20 11:43:48 [INFO]: Preparing to debug locally: Lambda "qa.lambdaHandler"
2021-05-20 11:43:48 [INFO]: Building SAM application...
2021-05-20 11:43:48 [INFO]: Running command: (not started) [C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSSAMCLI\bin\sam.cmd build --build-dir C:\Users\PK\AppData\Local\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkzhq0Ca\output
--template C:/Users/PK/code/GCMS-AWS/publish-dynamodb/cmsqa/app___vsctk___template.yaml
--base-dir C:/Users/PK/code/GCMS-AWS/publish-dynamodb/cmsqa]
2021-05-20 11:43:50 [INFO]: Building codeuri: C:/Users/PK/code/GCMS-AWS/publish-dynamodb/cmsqa runtime: nodejs12.x metadata: {} functions: ['cmsqa']
2021-05-20 11:43:50 [INFO]: Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmPack
2021-05-20 11:44:02 [INFO]: Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopyNpmrc
2021-05-20 11:44:02 [INFO]: Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopySource
2021-05-20 11:44:02 [INFO]: Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmInstall
2021-05-20 11:44:28 [INFO]: Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CleanUpNpmrc
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [INFO]:
Build Succeeded
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [INFO]:
Built Artifacts : ..\..\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkzhq0Ca\output
Built Template : ..\..\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkzhq0Ca\output\template.yaml
Commands you can use next
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke -t ..\..\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkzhq0Ca\output\template.yaml
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided --template-file ..\..\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkzhq0Ca\output\template.yaml
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [INFO]: Build complete.
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [INFO]: Starting SAM application locally
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [INFO]: AWS.running.command
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [ERROR]: Timeout while waiting for command: "sam local invoke"
2021-05-20 11:44:30 [ERROR]: Failed to run SAM application locally: Timeout while waiting for command: "sam local invoke"
Command stopped: "sam local invoke"