I've been using ReSharper for the past months and, advertising aside, I can't see myself coding without it. Since I love living on the bleeding "What the hell just went wrong" edge, I decided to try my luck w/ the latest ReSharper 4.5 nightly builds. It's all nice.
However, I've noticed that the using directives grouping format has changed, and I wanted to know which is closer to the general standards:
#region Using directives
using System.X;
using System.Y;
using System.Z;
using System.A;
namespace X { ... }
namespace X {
#region Using directives
using System.X;
using System.Y;
using System.Z;
using System.A;
Other than just lazy loading references, does it serve any special purpose? (Been reading Scott Hanselman's take on this @ http://www.hanselman.com/blog/BackToBasicsDoNamespaceUsingDirectivesAffectAssemblyLoading.aspx)