To my personal coding style belongs Enumerable.OfType<T>()
. I use it everywhere it makes a little bit of sense. Especially IEnumerable<T>
allows mighty linqToObject functionallity. I hate the "type-unsafe" looping of ObjectCollections such as the samples below. Now I have some questions about looping across these "UnGenericCollections".
- so on...
Question 1: If I convert this ArrayList
to Enumerable<T>
how big is the additional loop in comparison with the simple foreach/if-checks?
var ark = new ArrayList();
ark.Add(new Human());
ark.Add(new Human());
ark.Add(new Animal());
Instead of:
foreach (object passenger in ark)
if (passanger is Human) { }
if (passanger is Animal) { }
I use:
foreach (var human in ark.OfType<Human>())
foreach (var animal in ark.OfType<Animal>())
Question 2: During a foreach loop into a different typed variable, which way of casting/converting will be used? Is this a language feature or does that work out of the box?
foreach (Human human in ark) { }
Thanks for enduring my awful English. Best regards,Benjamin