how do I extract Images, which are FlateDecoded (such like PNG) out of a PDF-Document with PDFSharp?
I found that comment in a Sample of PDFSharp:
// TODO: You can put the code here that converts vom PDF internal image format to a
// Windows bitmap
// and use GDI+ to save it in PNG format.
// [...]
// Take a look at the file
// PdfSharp.Pdf.Advanced/PdfImage.cs to see how we create the PDF image formats.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Thanks for your replies.
EDIT: Because I'm not able to answer on my own Question within 8 hours, I do it on that way:
Thanks for your very fast reply.
I added some Code to the Method "ExportAsPngImage", but I didn't get the wanted results. It is just extracting a few more Images (png) and they don't have the right colors and are distorted.
Here's my actual Code:
PdfSharp.Pdf.Filters.FlateDecode flate = new PdfSharp.Pdf.Filters.FlateDecode();
byte[] decodedBytes = flate.Decode(bytes);
System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat pixelFormat;
switch (bitsPerComponent)
case 1:
pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed;
case 8:
pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed;
case 24:
pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb;
throw new Exception("Unknown pixel format " + bitsPerComponent);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, pixelFormat);
var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, pixelFormat);
int length = (int)Math.Ceiling(width * bitsPerComponent / 8.0);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
int offset = i * length;
int scanOffset = i * bmpData.Stride;
Marshal.Copy(decodedBytes, offset, new IntPtr(bmpData.Scan0.ToInt32() + scanOffset), length);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Export\PdfSharp\" + String.Format("Image{0}.png", count), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
bmp.Save(fs, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
Is that the right way? Or should I choose another way? Thanks a lot!
will fail on 64 bit systems and will need to be changed to ToInt64 – Superman