I've created the snippet below based on this tutorial. The last two lines (feed_squid(FeederRP)
and feed_red_panda(FeederSquid)
) are obviously violating the defined constraints, yet Dialyzer finds them okay. This is quite disappointing, because this is exactly the type of error I want to catch with a tool performing static analysis.
There is an explanation provided in the tutorial:
Before the functions are called with the wrong kind of feeder, they're first called with the right kind. As of R15B01, Dialyzer would not find an error with this code. The observed behaviour is that as soon as a call to a given function succeeds within the function's body, Dialyzer will ignore later errors within the same unit of code.
What is the rationale for this behavior? I understand that the philosophy behind success typing is "to never cry wolf", but in the current scenario Dialyzer plainly ignores the intentionally defined function specifications (after it sees that the functions have been called correctly earlier). I understand that the code does not result in a runtime crash. Can I somehow force Dialyzer to always take my function specifications seriously? If not, is there a tool that can do it?
-type red_panda() :: bamboo | birds | eggs | berries.
-type squid() :: sperm_whale.
-type food(A) :: fun(() -> A).
-spec feeder(red_panda) -> food(red_panda());
(squid) -> food(squid()).
feeder(red_panda) ->
fun() ->
element(random:uniform(4), {bamboo, birds, eggs, berries})
feeder(squid) ->
fun() -> sperm_whale end.
-spec feed_red_panda(food(red_panda())) -> red_panda().
feed_red_panda(Generator) ->
Food = Generator(),
io:format("feeding ~p to the red panda~n", [Food]),
-spec feed_squid(food(squid())) -> squid().
feed_squid(Generator) ->
Food = Generator(),
io:format("throwing ~p in the squid's aquarium~n", [Food]),
main() ->
%% Random seeding
<<A:32, B:32, C:32>> = crypto:rand_bytes(12),
random:seed(A, B, C),
%% The zoo buys a feeder for both the red panda and squid
FeederRP = feeder(red_panda),
FeederSquid = feeder(squid),
%% Time to feed them!
%% This should not be right!