I am currently developing a Grails Application and I am working with the Spring Security and UI plug-ins. I have created the relationship between the User Class and another Area Class that I have which can be seen below:
User Class:
class User {
transient springSecurityService
String username
String email
String password
boolean enabled
boolean accountExpired
boolean accountLocked
boolean passwordExpired
static belongsTo = [area:Areas]
Area Class:
class Areas {
String name
static hasMany = [users:User]
As you can see from the classes one user can be linked to one area but an area might have many users. This all works fine and when I bootstrap the application all data gets added correctly. however I get the following error when i try to use a form to create a new user:
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: com.website.Area
below is the controller code I am using to save the information:
def save = {
def user = lookupUserClass().newInstance(params)
if (params.password) {
String salt = saltSource instanceof NullSaltSource ? null : params.username
user.password = springSecurityUiService.encodePassword(params.password, salt)
if (!user.save(flush: true)) {
render view: 'create', model: [user: user, authorityList: sortedRoles()]
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'User'), user.id])}"
redirect action: edit, id: user.id
and here is a sample of what the GSP looks like:
<s2ui:textFieldRow name='username' labelCode='user.username.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Username' value="${user?.username}"/>
<s2ui:passwordFieldRow name='password' labelCode='user.password.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Password' value="${user?.password}"/>
<s2ui:textFieldRow name='email' labelCode='user.email.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='E-Mail' value="${user?.email}"/>
<s2ui:textFieldRow readonly='yes' name='area.name' labelCode='user.area.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Department' value="${area.name}"/>
<s2ui:checkboxRow name='enabled' labelCode='user.enabled.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Enabled' value="${user?.enabled}"/>
<s2ui:checkboxRow name='accountExpired' labelCode='user.accountExpired.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Account Expired' value="${user?.accountExpired}"/>
<s2ui:checkboxRow name='accountLocked' labelCode='user.accountLocked.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Account Locked' value="${user?.accountLocked}"/>
<s2ui:checkboxRow name='passwordExpired' labelCode='user.passwordExpired.label' bean="${user}"
labelCodeDefault='Password Expired' value="${user?.passwordExpired}"/>
I have looked into this and I believe it is the way I am trying to save a GORM Object and I should maybe save the parent(Area) before trying to save the user. However the Area will always exist before the user can be created so I don’t need the area to be created again, how do I handle this? I tried the "withTransaction" function with little success as well
I would really appreciate some help on this if possible.
EDIT ......
I have tracked the issue to this line in the Controller:
RegistrationCode registrationCode = springSecurityUiService.register(user, command.password, salt)
This say to me that this function is calling a save function for the user object, however with the relationships in place it needs to save the Area first. Does anyone know SpringSecurityUi in order to help me on this?