First of all, I got a N*N distance matrix, for each point, I calculated its nearest neighbor, so we had a N*2 matrix, It seems like this:
0 -> 1 1 -> 2 2 -> 3 3 -> 2 4 -> 2 5 -> 6 6 -> 7 7 -> 6 8 -> 6 9 -> 8
the second column was the nearest neighbor's index. So this was a special kind of directed graph, with each vertex had and only had one out-degree.
Of course, we could first transform the N*2 matrix to a standard graph representation, and perform BFS/DFS to get the connected components.
But, given the characteristic of this special graph, is there any other fast way to do the job ?
I will be really appreciated.
I've implemented a simple algorithm for this case here.
Look, I did not use a union-find algorithm, because the data structure may make things not that easy, and I doubt whether It's the fastest way in my case(I meant practically).
You could argue that the _merge process could be time consuming, but if we swap the edges into the continuous place while assigning new label, the merging may cost little, but it need another N spaces to trace the original indices.