This project ( is a working example of the JASPI API in jetty that uses geronimo-jaspi which in turn calls back to the jetty-jaspi modules for the authentication. Geronimo seems to be providing the configuration mechanism and jetty the authentication modules themselves in this example.
It seems as though you can select a form, digest or basic authentication methods. A quick test of the form based login has shown it appears to function.
The Jaspi authentication factory is setup in jetty-web.xml like so:
<Set name="securityHandler">
<New class="">
<Set name="loginService">
<New class="">
<Set name="name">JAASRealm</Set>
<Set name="loginModuleName">jaas</Set>
<Set name="authenticatorFactory">
<New class="" />
And the jaspi configuration file is referenced via a system property in the pom.xml file:
Additionally, the jaspi library you mentioned is added as a dependency in the pom, along with the geronimo jaspi implementation:
I have also been unable to find documenation on the topic. It seems as though the jetty-jaspi module is not one of the standard start options, but could be added to the ${jetty.home/lib/ext} directory (see Jetty classloading).