I was wondering if anyone can offer any pointers on this one. I'm trying to return ItemStats from the Tridion UGC web service but I'm getting the following error when trying to bind the results:-
The closed type TridionWebUGC.CDS.ItemStat does not have a corresponding LastRatedDate settable property.
An example of code is:-
WebServiceClient ugcCall2 = new WebServiceClient();
Uri uri = new Uri("http://new.ugc.service/odata.svc");
CDS.ContentDeliveryService cds = new CDS.ContentDeliveryService(uri);
var myItemStats = cds.ItemStats.Where(p => p.PublicationId == 68 && p.Id == 17792 && p.Type==16);
I can get comments and ratings with no problem. E.g.
var myComments = cds.Comments.Where(p => p.ItemId == 17805).OrderBy(p => p.CreationDate);
It's just ItemStats that are giving me an issue. Anybody any ideas?