I am extending a Listener in ANTLR4 and I want to get all of the tokens which are associated with a particular rule in the parser, is there a method in doing that?
myConfiguration: CONFIG EQUALS parameters ;
parameters: ALPHANUMERIC+
CONFIG: 'config' ;
How can I tell my listener to lookup the value of CONFIG
when entering the myConfiguration
parsing rule?
Is there a for loop of some sort I could use?
for( all tokens in this rule) {
I can see that there is a list of tokens through the parser class but I cant find a list of tokens which are associated with the current rule.
The reason why I am asking this is so that I can avoid re-typing the token names which I require in the Listener AND in the grammar. By doing that I can check whether or not each token type in that particular rule has been found without having to type in the name manually.